We are a passionate group or evangelizers who, filled with zeal and compassion over the overwhelming increase in the number of youths who drop out from the Church and embrace paganism and those who though remain inside the Church but are not with the Church, decided to take the call of the New Evangelization invoked by Pope St. John Paul II; to re-echo the old news of our salvation with a new method, zeal and skill, according to the modern and contemporary society: using the media system.
We help interested parishes to form parish evangelizers with the aim to make every parish an evangelizing parish, that more souls be won for Christ. This can be achieved through the formation of Small Christian Communities within the parish zones.
We take the Good News to the remote places through evangelization out reach. In all these, we work in collaboration with the Catholic clergy in answer to Our Saviour’s Commission to “Go into the world and make disciples of all nations.”
(Mt. 28:19 – 20).
For the re-presentation of Christ’s message of Salvation to the Contemporary Nigerian/African society, and the world at large in this age of Neopaganism, New Age Religion, and Modernism.
To Evangelize, Train, Establish and Nurture Parish Evangelizers in the Light of Pope St. John Paul II’s Call for New Evangelization in Partnership with the Holy Spirit; that the true message of Christ shall reach the grass-roots of our societies, to eradicate or minimize the problems of Neopaganism and the “New Age Religions” so that more souls be won for Christ.
In summary, we lead people:
We achieve this through:
Assisting the poor and the less privileged ones encountered in the course of evangelization; as we go about teaching, giving seminars, retreats, evangelization outreaches: - house to house, schools, hospitals and markets evangelization, and the open air evangelization and crusade in collaboration with the clergy of our collaborating parishes, and those of each parish that invites us.
I encourage you to be part of the Team in any of the categories that suits you most for the salvation of your own soul, and the souls of others. You can also be in more than one of the categories according as God has called and blessed you. Be one of your parish evangelizers!
Be blessed and experience the joy and the glory of the Lord as you take up His invitation and commissioning to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations … and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you”, as you join this noble and unique Team in any of the three categories of the membership, and becoming one of your parish evangelizers – making the mission of the Church alive and active in your parish, for the salvation of the souls of your parishioners.
The programs of the activities and movements of the Team will always be available in the website of the Team: – www.stjohncanet.com, both the general Team and the individual Groups can always get informed through the media platforms of the Team.
Thanks, and God bless you all.
Uchefuna John Ugochukwu.(Founder and Director).
We and the Holy Spirit! Are Witnesses!
Our Lady Star of Evangelization! Pray for us!